The Parish Trust

Grŵp Plant Bach , Caerphilly , CF83 8FL
Operational hours
  • Morning session
9:30am - 11:00am

The founding of The Parish Trust was the manifestation of a shared passion to invest in the local community through creating and running various projects that would benefit and enrich our stakeholders. Our goal is to tackle poverty in all its forms, give opportunities for people to learn and develop skills, provide a platform for children and young people to grow and flourish, bring people together to create meaningful community and connections, and give people space to explore life's biggest questions of faith, to find hope, and receive love.

One of our initiatives is our Tommy's Tots Toddler Group, where parents have the opportunity to create bonds and friendships with one another, as well as providing a brilliant time for children to play and develop physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually with others.

Tommy's Tots sessions are designed to encourage children to develop their life skills in accordance with the NHS Milestones and Early Learning Goals framework. Our sessions have a mix of activities, games and crafts for children, and conclude with a time of sharing, and listening to a story.

Cysylltwch â ni


Defnyddiwch y ffurflen isod i anfon eich ymholiadau a'ch adborth atom ni. *Mae angen gwybodaeth

Ein Swyddfeydd Rhanbarthol

Ble bynnag yr ydych, mae Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru’n ceisio bod â swyddfa yn agos atoch chi. Os ydych chi angen ein cefnogaeth, rhowch alwad i ni a gallwn drafod eich ymholiad neu drefnu i un o’n staff cefnogi gyfarfod â chi.

Ein horiau swyddfa yw Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener (9am – 5pm)