Brambly Hill Day Nursery

Gofal Dydd Llawn , Llanelli , SA14 8QF
Operational hours
  • Full Day Care
8:00am - 6:00pm

Brambly Hill is a day nursery based on the Prince Phillip hospital site in Llanelli. We offer childcare from new born up to 7 years of age. We offer a huge range of opportunities and activities for the children which allows them to explore and grow. Brambly Hill is registered with several schemes such as childcare offer, tax free childcare, education offer, and child care vouchers.

Offers Flying Start provision:


Offers funded Foundation Learning Nursery places (three to four year old education):


Participating in the 30 hour childcare offer:

Cysylltwch â ni


Defnyddiwch y ffurflen isod i anfon eich ymholiadau a'ch adborth atom ni. *Mae angen gwybodaeth

Ein Swyddfeydd Rhanbarthol

Ble bynnag yr ydych, mae Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru’n ceisio bod â swyddfa yn agos atoch chi. Os ydych chi angen ein cefnogaeth, rhowch alwad i ni a gallwn drafod eich ymholiad neu drefnu i un o’n staff cefnogi gyfarfod â chi.

Ein horiau swyddfa yw Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener (9am – 5pm)