Tots Play Newport East

Grŵp Plant Bach , Newport, , NP19 8AJ
Operational hours
  • Morning session
10:30am - 11:10am
  • Morning session
11:40am - 12:30pm

Tots Play classes are suitable for children from birth to 4years. Classes will allow you to connect, play and inspire you to enjoy special times with your baby or toddler. This will enhance your baby or toddlers development.
The Baby Development 6 week course (from birth to 6 months) runs regularly throughout the year. Discovery Tots (8 weeks to crawling), Social Tots (8 months to 2 years) and Action Tots (2 to 4 years) are all classes that are ongoing which means you can join anytime throughout the year. Ideas received in classes you can also use at home.

Cysylltwch â ni


Defnyddiwch y ffurflen isod i anfon eich ymholiadau a'ch adborth atom ni. *Mae angen gwybodaeth

Ein Swyddfeydd Rhanbarthol

Ble bynnag yr ydych, mae Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru’n ceisio bod â swyddfa yn agos atoch chi. Os ydych chi angen ein cefnogaeth, rhowch alwad i ni a gallwn drafod eich ymholiad neu drefnu i un o’n staff cefnogi gyfarfod â chi.

Ein horiau swyddfa yw Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener (9am – 5pm)