Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl

Gofal Dydd Llawn , Pontypwl , NP4 6JT
Operational hours
  • Full Day Care
8:30am - 3:15am

Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl is a Welsh medium registered Nursery which was set up in the middle of Pontypool over 40 years ago.The Nursery is is registered with CIW to have 19 children aged two and a half to five during any one session. We have 27 children on the register and offer a high standard of Welsh Medium education in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We have a large open space for the children indoors aswell as an exciting outdoor area. All staff have a wealth of experience and work hard to offer a wide range of learning and play experiences as well as supporting parents and other family members.

Offers Flying Start provision:


Offers funded Foundation Learning Nursery places (three to four year old education):


Participating in the 30 hour childcare offer:

Cysylltwch â ni


Defnyddiwch y ffurflen isod i anfon eich ymholiadau a'ch adborth atom ni. *Mae angen gwybodaeth

Ein Swyddfeydd Rhanbarthol

Ble bynnag yr ydych, mae Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru’n ceisio bod â swyddfa yn agos atoch chi. Os ydych chi angen ein cefnogaeth, rhowch alwad i ni a gallwn drafod eich ymholiad neu drefnu i un o’n staff cefnogi gyfarfod â chi.

Ein horiau swyddfa yw Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener (9am – 5pm)