
Children Painting
24 August 2023

Early Years Wales is proud to share the initial external evaluation from the Creative Learning in the Early Years project.

Baby wearing bright pink dungarees points to ear while surrounded by wooden toys
23 August 2023

In 2019, the Welsh Government committed to working towards an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) model.

Cynnig Cymraeg logo
18 August 2023

In July, Early Years Wales received approval from the Welsh Language Commissioner for its Welsh Language Development Plan and was awarded Cynnig Cymraeg. 

Child in blue coat and jeans playing hopscotch that has been drawn on the floor with chalk. Child is mid leap with his right foot in the air.
16 August 2023

Following the changes to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (NMS), Early Years Wales hosted a member event in July

Baby in a yellow and white polka dot babygrow doing tummy time on colourful mats
10 August 2023

Over the last four years, Early Years Wales has successfully led a Healthy and Active funded project to help raise activity levels in early years children.

Early Years Wales Awards
4 August 2023

The Early Years Wales Awards, held annually since 2019, are designed to recognise outstanding practice in early years childcare in Wales.
