Early Years Wales launches new Working Group

Early Years Wales is delighted to launch a new working group designed to determine its internal and external policy initiatives and campaigns for the future.

Children laying in a circle

The Working Group is a chance for you, as early years professionals, to feed into Early Years Wales's policy agenda.

We want to make sure our work reflects your voices, as your firsthand knowledge and experience of what works, and what doesn't, is crucial in enabling us to shape our campaigns to benefit this continuously evolving sector.

The Working Group will take place on a bi-monthly basis and will be based on a specific topic relevant to Early Years provision. The first meeting of the working group is taking place on Wednesday 2nd October, 09:30 – 10:30 on Microsoft teams, with our head of Policy and Advocacy, Leo Holmes.

The topic of the first meeting will be E-safety in Early Years settings.

To sign up to the working group, please click the link below, and we will be in touch with a link to the meeting.  

If you are unable to make the meeting on the 2nd October, the group will also meet on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 4th December, topic TBC
  • Wednesday 5th February, topic TBC

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