
CWLWM Covid 19 Survey
26 October 2017

Welcome to the EDI Project! This is a project to measure the current Welsh language skills of the Early Years and Play workforce in Wales.

23 October 2017

Please send us your thoughts on the childcare offer

Beat Flu
9 October 2017

 Wyddech chi, y gaeaf  llynedd, fod dros hanner (54.7%) y plant 2 a 3 oed wedi colli’r cyfle i gael brechiad ffliw rhad ac am ddim yng Nghymru?

Talk Childcare
22 September 2017

In August 2016,  Welsh Government launched the #TalkChildcare camp

Active Offer
19 July 2017

Yn unol â Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011, mae gan defnyddwyr yr iaith Gymraeg yng Nghymru hawl i cyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg heb orfod gofyn amdano. Bydd hynny wyneb i wyneb, yn ysgrifenedig, ar y ffôn neu ar-lein.

Children with blocks
14 June 2017

With an ever increasing demand for childcare provision in Wales, which will especially be felt with the forthcoming "childcare offe
