Leader and Manager Network Meeting

We are hosting a Leader and Manager network event four times during 2024.

Children in an adult setting
Wednesday, 25 September, 2024 - 09:30 to 10:30



These are opportunities for leaders and managers of settings to meet online and share conversations that are important to the sector and to running and leading staff in settings around Wales. We are facilitating these opportunities to network and share conversations.

It is our intention to make these your meetings - with your booking you will be invited to suggest a topic. If there is a conversation that you think leaders and managers should share, we are happy to be guided by you.

We will email all leaders and managers booked on the network with the agenda and topics in advance. In addition to topics of challenge and a space to raise concerns, we would be delighted to share ideas for good practice, celebrate successes and innovation around Wales and invite any leader or manager that would like to share ideas.

Free (booking required)

If you would like to join, please click on Register to secure your place. 

Terms and Conditions

By taking part in this event, you confirm that you have read and agree to the Early Years Wales Privacy PolicyTerms of Use and Terms and Conditions


This event will be delivered through the medium of English. If you require an English – Welsh interpretation service* please indicate your preferred language on the booking form.

*Please note, an interpretation service will only be available when at least 20% of attendees have indicated they require one.

Not a member? Membership is currently FREE, visit our membership page for more details.