Well-being Coaching Offer

The conversation that Early Years Wales would like to support as an offer in partnership with Den Early Years is around well-being and how it moves into a dynamic, evolving, generative space where Early Years leaders are warmly invited to work with the narratives about, in and with their profession.

Picture shows an adult with a Staff lanyard playing with a child

The well-being conversation in Early Years leadership is often led first and foremost by the funding, wages, workload, training, quality and conditions found in the care sector.

Maybe take a moment to breathe deeply, let this statement land and to feel into the questions below:

  • What do you know about this statement?
  • Where does it land in your body?
  • What sensations and feelings are you experiencing?
  • What naratives are awake for you right now?

Nationally and internationally, Early Years educators may feel the burden of caring for and educating young children (and more widely parents, families and communities) without widespread governmental and systemic support and recognition for the work that they do, even as they take pride in and love the work that they do. This can become a confusing and constrictive space for well-being as Early Years educators feel that they do not have the resources - physically, emotionally, intellectually or socially to meaningfully connect with what they are being asked to do sustainably.

The conversation that Early Years Wales would like to support as an offer in partnership with Den Early Years is around well-being and how it moves into a dynamic, evolving, generative space where Early Years leaders are warmly invited to work with the narratives about, in and with their profession. In this space well-being will be cultivated

  • Would you like to discover joy, satisfaction and meaning as you evolve through the different spaces of being an Early Years leader?
  • Would you like to work more creatively with the many pressures that are part of your daily routines as an Early Years leader?
  • Would you like to bring some more clarity, coherence and focus to your Early Years leadership role?
  • Would you like to show up in your Early Years leadership role that in ways that are aligned with your values and well-being?
  • Would like to feel nourished, feel less like you are over-giving and that your Early Years leadership work is over-effortful?

Sarah Wiggin, an Early Years educator, a yoga teacher, a physical literacy trainer and consultant, and a holistic body and well-being coach will lead the one-to-one sessions. Sarah works with the body as an energetic space where trust in self is built, where aspirations are brought to life and meaningful, authentic connections with self and the world around us are made accessible and sustainable.

Sarah would like to invite you on this journey. You can book individual or group coaching sessions.

Coaching credentials:

  • 2015 Play and Therapeutic Play
  • 2021 Post Graduate Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring in the Early Years (Centre for Research in Early Childhood and Birmingham University)

Book 3 sessions for £60. Members only. 

If you would like to book please click the link below and complete checkout. You will be contacted by Sarah to arrange your sessions. 

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Your name and contact details including email and telephone number will be shared with Den Early Years. By taking part in this event, you confirm that you have read and agree to the Early Years Wales Privacy PolicyTerms of Use and Terms and Conditions.

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