
smalltalk - winter 2020

smalltalk…supporting the early years sector in Wales for over 30-years.

Published quarterly since spring 1986, and mailed free of charge to all Early Years Wales members. smalltalk is the must-read title for early years education and early years childcare providers in Wales.

Whether you are looking for ideas to implement within the setting or to help you with your training and development, wanting to keep up to date with the latest curriculum changes or changes in legislation, our 28-page, full colour magazine is packed full of articles to inspire you to embed and inform high-quality practice, whilst continuing to run a successful business.

Welcome to the winter edition of smalltalk

In this issue we reflect on how as a sector we have embraced technology to deliver our services over the past year. We hear how work-based learning provider of Children’s Care Play, Learning and Development Grŵp Llandrillo Menai have rethought how they deliver training in this key area by embracing online video conferencing platforms. Matt Anthony our Welsh Language Support Officer updates us on exciting changes to the Camau, Learn Welsh scheme – making learning more flexible and accessible through e-learning. We also have important information with regards to joint inspections (pg 8) and from CIW on SASS 2021 (pg 24).

Discover what else is inside here:

4. Early Years Wales Awards 2020

We’re back on…find out more on page 4.

5. Update on: Children (Abolition of Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Act 2020.

A brief update on the Act and what our involvement is.

6. Moondance Foundation on Anglesey beach

We hear from a member setting how a grant from the Moondance Foundation enabled them to operate during lockdown

8. Foundation Phase: Talking Point - Inspection update

Your FAQ’s answered

11. Save the date: Foundation Phase Excellence Network Events (FPEN) 2021

Details of our upcoming events

12. Sharing Quality Practice Part 2: Childcare environment

The second in a series of articles where we consider how the childcare environment can play a role in delivering quality practice.

17. Delivering Childcare Qualifications in the face of Covid-19

We hear from a work-based learning provider of Children’s Care Play, Learning and Development and how they have had to completely rethink how they deliver training.

20. Learning Welsh online

Camau, the Learn Welsh scheme for the Early Years, Education and Childcare workforce is going online in 2021. We talk you through the benefits of self-study.

22. Fundraising through Lockdown – how easyfundraising can help

Has the coronavirus affected your fundraising? Two settings offer their top tips on how to keep fundraising despite the restrictions imposed on them during lockdown.

24. Important Update from Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)

How the inspectorate modified its approach during the pandemic and an update on next year’s SASS.

26. A few words from our CEO

Dave Goodger casts an eye over his first 10 months in post

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