
Smalltalk Summer 2020
2 July 2020

Approximately 30 per cent of Early Years Wales members have been open and on the front-line during lockdown.

25 June 2020

Covid-19 posters and floor stickers to use and display in your childcare setting.

Regional Offices
15 June 2020

The team here at Early Years Wales have been busy over the last few months sprucing up the place. 

Pre re-opening checklist
3 June 2020

As a way of helping you move forward and plan ahead, we have produced a checklist to help you think about steps you will need to take to safely open your doors again.

CWLWM Covid 19 Survey
17 April 2020

Cwlwm is collecting information on behalf of Welsh Government to identify Childcare Practitioners and Playwork Practitioners from Childcare Settings who may be currently laid off or furloughed, who would potentially b

Spoon Animals
3 April 2020
Useful links and resources to keep the whole family engaged whilst spending time at home during the coronavirus outbreak. (updated 06.05.20)
