Healthy and Active Fund (HAF) Review and Celebration Event

Recently, Early Years Wales was invited to attend the Healthy and Active Fund (HAF) Review and Celebration Event with RCS at Sport Wales National Centre in Cardiff.

Welsh Active Early Years

The Healthy and Active Fund (HAF) was an exciting opportunity for organisations and their partners to work together and create opportunities within their communities for people to engage in sport and physical activity, tailored to meet local needs, with the aim of improving physical and mental wellbeing.

Our HAF project Welsh Active Early Years, and other successful HAF projects, were given the opportunity to share their experiences and showcase their successes of their projects.

We developed a video that would best share the work of Welsh Active Early Years and we are so pleased to now be able to share this with you. It includes a breakdown of the different strands of the project, the successes/outcomes achieved and how we are continuing the sustainability of the project through our Early Years Wales core offer.

If you would like more information on this project, or have any feedback you want to share, please email: [email protected]

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