Early Years Wales welcomes yearly review of childcare rate

Early Years Wales welcomes the announcement made by the Welsh Government on Wednesday 20th November, outlining that the hourly childcare rate will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Adult wearing a blue tank top holding child wearing a blue top adds up using an abacus

Currently, the Welsh Government review the hourly rate paid to childcare providers every three years. Many organisations in the childcare sector, including Early Years Wales called for an increase in the regularity of the childcare rate reviews in order to keep pace with rising operating costs.

Yearly reviews will provide greater financial stability in the sector, helping providers meet the demands caused by increasing costs.

“We are really pleased to see an increase in the regularity of the childcare hourly rate undertaken by the Welsh Government. Regular reviews will help make sure the rate is able to reflect the costs faced by providers, adding more stability to the sector.

We are pleased to see our calls reflected in new policies, and look forward to continuing our work with the Welsh Government voicing the calls of the sector.”

- CEO of Early Years Wales, David Goodger

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