Early Years Wales teams up with Laura Henry Allain MBE to launch anti-racism children's book in Welsh

Early Years Wales is proud to be an official launch partner of Fy Nghroen I Dy Groen Di

image is front cover of Fy Nghroen I Dy Groen Di

Members of Early Years Wales will be no stranger to Laura Henry Allain MBE. Laura is an award-winning international producer, storyteller, educationalist, keynote speaker and consultant. She is the creator of the well-loved JoJo and Gran Gran series developed and produced by CBeebies.

Her bestselling childrens book, My Skin Your Skin, illustrated by Onyinwe Iwu, explores race and racism, and empowers children to be the best versions of themselves. We are delighted to announce that My Skin Your Skin has been adapted into Welsh by Mared Llwyd and published by Rily Publications Ltd, Caerphilly.

Early Years Wales first met Laura in late 2022 when she joined our Autumn training programme. Laura inspired and empowered practitioners to provide authentic and meaningful opportunities for children and families to recognise themselves in literature through a practical approach to storytelling.

In 2023, Laura continued to be hugely supportive of the anti-racist work that is being undertaken in the early years sector in Wales, and we were delighted to welcome her to the Early Years Wales Awards and Conference in June as the keynote speaker and to present an award.

In late 2023, we were honoured when Laura’s publishers, Penguin Random House, reached out to ask if we would support the launch of Fy Nghroen I Dy Groen Di in Wales. Working alongside Rily Publications and Mudiad Meithrin, we will be holding a very special event for the children and staff at Cylch Meithrin Tedi Twt in Caerphilly on Friday, 15th March.

To mark the occasion, Laura has put together a very special message for us all

Keep an eye on our website and social media channels where we'll be sharing all the fun from the day

If you would like to be in with a chance of winning a signed copy of Fy Nghroen I Dy Groen Di for your setting, all you need to do is email [email protected] with the name of your setting and membership number by midnight, on Friday 15th March 2024.

Fy Nghroen I Dy Groen Di is available from your local bookshop or www.rily.co.uk