
smalltalk - Winter 2015

smalltalk…supporting the early years sector in Wales for over 30-years.

Published quarterly since spring 1986 and mailed free of charge to all Early Years Wales formerly Wales PPA members, smalltalk is the must-read title for early years education and childcare providers in Wales.

Our 24-page, full colour magazine is packed full of articles to inspire you to embed and inform high-quality practice, whilst continuing to run a successful business.

If you’re looking for inspiration, then look no further than page 4. We share news on two very different Graduation ceremonies and prove that all it takes to succeed is a bit of determination and commitment.

In Foundation Phase: Talking Point, Kelcie Hurley showcases the benefits of Forest School and how its principles are being embedded in a member setting. Imagination + Mud = Clay Monsters (what else!)

Whilst we’re on the subject of imagination, it’s not just children that have one. Read about Wales PPA’s new Learning through Play programme. If you run a parent and toddler group get in touch.

Perhaps you would like to see your business grow in 2016? The online world is becoming increasingly important for businesses and the early years sector is no exception. Check out our guide to making the most of the resources available to you on the internet to promote your business, without spending a penny.

Finally, sticking with our theme (don’t all groan at once!) find out how to encourage independence, creativity and problem-solving skills by bringing woodwork into your early years setting, with expert advice from Pete Moorhouse, an Artist Educator based at St. Werburgh’s Park Nursery School in Bristol. You’ll be surprised at how low-risk this activity is too.
