smalltalk - Autumn 2020

smalltalk…supporting the early years sector in Wales for over 30-years.
Published quarterly since spring 1986, and mailed free of charge to all Early Years Wales members. smalltalk is the must-read title for early years education and early years childcare providers in Wales.
Whether you are looking for ideas to implement within the setting or to help you with your training and development, wanting to keep up to date with the latest curriculum changes or changes in legislation, our 28-page, full colour magazine is packed full of articles to inspire you to embed and inform high-quality practice, whilst continuing to run a successful business.
Welcome to the autumn edition of smalltalk
In this issue we celebrate you, as leaders and practitioners. During lockdown you have given us ‘fly on the wall’ insight into the running of your settings - the highs, the lows, the challenges, your emotions. You have been open and honest about whether changes in guidance has helped or not helped, whilst never taking your eye off the children you care for.
Take a look at what's inside below:
4. Active Together Wales kites fly high above Newport
What a beautiful day to welcome back families to the Active Together Wales programme.
5. Training update: New ‘Active baby and You’ virtual training
Our new course enables practitioners to develop a multi-skilled approach to embedding physical activity into everyday practice.
6. The importance of good governance
Are you unsure of your organisation’s legal structure, or struggling with your constitution? Our Governance team are here to help. Getting it wrong can be costly.
8. Benefits of taking your little one swimming.
As swimming pools are re-opening, Hanna Guise, Swim Wales’ National Learn to Swim Manager, passes on some of her top tips for introducing little ones to the water.
12. Effective Leadership in the Foundation Phase: Supporting unique transitions and new possibilities in early years settings in complex times
Member case studies that explore how effective and caring leadership during lockdown has had a positive impact on the unique transitions for children, their families, their practitioners, and communities.
13. Focus on: Additional Learning Needs (ALN); settling in
For many children, the childcare setting they are returning to, will look and feel very different and the process of separating from parents or carers may be a challenge after considerable time in spent in lockdown. It is important to have a plan which is flexible and responsive to the needs of the child and setting – we have put together some points for you to take into consideration.
19. Sharing Quality Practice Part 1: Leadership and management
The first in a series of articles where we will be sharing and highlighting the creativity and innovation that results in the excellent practice Early Years Wales Quality for All assessors see during assessment visits.
23. Connecting Youth Children and Adults (CYCA) Centre of Excellence - a new way forward
How placing a strong emphasis on employee wellbeing, training and effective leadership can prepare you for the unexpected going forward.
26. Booktrust Cymru: know your copy rights when storytelling online
Top tips to consider when sharing books, rhymes and songs online
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