Trustee Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Early Years Wales is proud to present our Trustee Annual Report for 2023 – 2024. This year we have updated our approach to reporting. I hope this provides you with a better understanding of the work we do and the impact this has.


As you will see, we work across a wide range of service areas to help our members in their work as childcare providers and professionals. The case studies and reviews in this report are just a selection from the year that demonstrate the impact of our work. Of course, we cannot do this alone, and through our partnerships with other organisations, trainers and providers, we bring substantial added-value to the childcare and early years sector. These partnership are evident throughout our annual report.

We are, of course, extremely grateful to the funding and support we receive from the Welsh Government. Their support facilitates our Cwlwm partnership, the early education curriculum work we do, and enables our organisation to provide support, training and resources to help childcare professionals with their Welsh language development. Our social partnership with Welsh Government also allows us to share our insight and evidence from our members with the policy makers and Ministers to help enhance and advance childcare policies in Wales.

As CEO, I am taking this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the dedicated and committed team that work within Early Years Wales. Every individual employee has a role in supporting the high-quality outputs and opportunities that we provide. Whether out in the field, in strategic meetings, or behind the scenes in the offices in North and South Wales, our fantastic team work incredibly hard to deliver and maximise the opportunities for our members.

Additionally, we could not achieve what we do without our Trustee Board. The volunteer Trustees provide critical analysis, strategic direction, and governance of Early Years Wales. We are incredibly grateful to all our Trustees for their diligence and energy that encourages us to be better and continue to strive to achieve more. Diolch yn fawr.

I hope you find the time to read, and follow some of the links to learn more about our work, hear the words and read the reviews of those that we have influenced and supported, and enjoy our annual report for 2023 -2024. If you have any comments, questions or feedback please contact me.

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Early Years Wales

Posted by David Goodger, Chief Executive Officer for Early Years Wales

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