What will the offer be?
It is intended that 30 hours a week of free early education and childcare will be provided for working parents of 3 and 4 year olds in Wales, for 48 weeks of the year. The current free early education provided by Foundation Phase will form part of this offer. The new childcare offer will be as clear and easy to access as possible so that parents can continue to choose the providers that best suit their needs.
When will it become available?
Once the offer is developed, it will be tested in some local authority areas from the autumn of 2017 to make sure it works for parents and childcare providers, followed by wider roll-out. How can you get involved? Welsh Government want to hear the views of of parents to learn about your experiences of childcare and involve you in developing their offer. For more information on the proposed childcare offer and how you can share your experiences please <<click here>>