Public Health Wales Press Release - Beat Flu Update

With a recent rise in the number of recorded cases, Public Health Wales are reminding people affected by the flu to think carefully before seeking further medical assistance.

Beat Flu

To ensure busy emergency services are able to save lives and help those most in need, it is important to remember the vast majority of healthy people with symptoms of flu don’t need to see their GP. Flu is a viral infection for which antibiotics are not helpful - instead, the advice is to drink plenty of fluids, take ibuprofen or paracetamol and avoid contact with vulnerable individuals while they have symptoms, which usually resolve in about a week.

Dr Giri Shankar, Professional Lead Consultant for Health Protection at Public Health Wales, said: “People are reminded that while flu is circulating in Wales and looks set to increase over the coming weeks, the types of flu being seen are as expected and are not more dangerous than those seen in previous years.

“People in at-risk groups with flu-like symptoms, such as those over the age of 65, pregnant women or those with a pre-existing medical condition, should phone their GP surgery or NHS Direct Wales (0845 46 47) for advice as soon as the symptoms start as anti-viral medication may be recommended. “However, they should not attend their surgery without calling first to help reduce the risk of spreading infection to others.” To help reduce the chances of flu spreading, people should:

  • Catch it: always cough or sneeze into a tissue
  • Bin it: dispose of the tissue after use
  • Kill it: then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to kill any flu viruses

If you believe you may have flu symptoms then it is advised to stay home from work, school and other public places for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone to avoid infecting other people. Most people feel better within a week of becoming infected with the flu virus, although coughing may last for another one or two weeks. People who are concerned that their symptoms are worsening should call their GP or NHS Direct Wales for advice and should not go to A&E unless advised to do so.

Flu vaccination is available every year to people in at-risk groups – including those aged 65 and over, people with certain long-term health conditions, pregnant women, frontline healthcare workers, carers and young children.  Anyone who has missed out on vaccination this year should call their GP surgery for advice. More information on flu is available at Further advice is available from the NHS Direct Wales website at

Gan fod nifer yr achosion a gofnodwyd wedi codi’n ddiweddar, mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn atgoffa pobl a effeithiwyd gan y ffliw i feddwl yn ofalus cyn gofyn am ragor o gymorth meddygol. Er mwyn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau brys yn gallu achub bywydau a helpu’r sawl sydd â’r angen mwyaf, mae’n bwysig cofio nad oes rhaid i’r mwyafrif mawr o bobl iach a chanddynt symptomau ffliw weld eu meddyg teulu.

Mae ffliw yn haint firysol nad yw gwrthfiotigau yn effeithiol ar ei gyfer – y cyngor yn hytrach yw yfed digon o hylif, cymryd ibuprofen neu paracetamol ac osgoi cysylltiad ag unigolion bregus tra bod symptomau ganddynt, sydd fel arfer yn diflannu mewn tuag wythnos. Dywedodd y Dr Giri Shankar, Ymgynghorydd Arweiniol Proffesiynol ar gyfer Diogelu Iechyd yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru: “Rydym yn atgoffa pobl, wrth i ffliw gylchredeg yng Nghymru a chan ei bod yn ymddangos y bydd yn cynyddu dros yr wythnosau nesaf, mai’r mathau o ffliw sy’n datblygu yw’r rhai yr oeddem yn eu disgwyl ac nad ydynt yn fwy peryglus na rhai’r blynyddoedd diwethaf.

“Dylai pobl mewn grwpiau risg sydd â symptomau tebyg i ffliw, megis rhai dros 65 oed, menywod beichiog neu bobl a chanddynt gyflwr meddygol sy’n bod yn barod, ffonio eu meddyg teulu neu Galw Iechyd Cymru (0845 46 47) i gael cyngor cyn gynted ag y mae symptomau’n cychwyn rhag ofn fod angen meddyginiaeth gwrth-firysol arnynt. “Fodd bynnag, ni ddylent fynd i’r feddygfa heb ffonio’n gyntaf er mwyn helpu lleihau’r risg o ledu haint i eraill.” Er mwyn helpu lleihau’r perygl o ledu ffliw, dylai pobl:

  • Ei ddal: cofiwch bob tro besychu neu disian i mewn i hances bapur
  • Ei finio: cofiwch gael gwared â’r hances bapur ar ôl ei defnyddio
  • Ei ladd: yna golchwch eich dwylo neu defnyddiwch lanweithydd llaw i ladd unrhyw firysau ffliw

Os ydych yn credu fod gennych symptomau ffliw awgrymir eich bod yn aros adref o’r gwaith, ysgol a lleoedd cyhoeddus eraill am 24 awr o leiaf wedi i’ch twymyn fynd er mwyn osgoi heintio pobl eraill. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn teimlo’n well o fewn wythnos i gael eu heintio â’r firws ffliw, er y gall pesychu barhau am wythnos neu ddwy arall. Dylai pobl sy’n pryderu fod eu symptomau yn gwaethygu ffonio eu meddyg teulu neu Galw Iechyd Cymru i gael cyngor a pheidio mynd i’r Adran Damweiniau & Argyfwng onid ydynt yn cael eu cynghori i wneud hynny.

Mae brechiad ffliw ar gael bob blwyddyn i bobl mewn grwpiau risg – gan gynnwys pobl 65 oed a throsodd, pobl a chanddynt rai cyflyrau iechyd hirdymor, menywod beichiog, gweithwyr gofal iechyd rheng flaen, gofalwyr a phlant ifanc.  Dylai unrhyw un sydd heb gael brechiad eleni ffonio eu meddyg teulu i gael cyngor. Ceir mwy o wybodaeth am ffliw yn Mae rhagor o gyngor ar gael o wefan Galw Iechyd Cymru yn 

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