Early Years Wales releases emergency lockdown guidance to help settings keep safe

Recently released emergency lockdown guidance from Early Years Wales is "crucial" in promoting the safety and security of childcare settings.


To mark the beginning of the new term, Early Years Wales has released new emergency lockdown guidance, acting as a template to help settings create, or update any existing emergency procedures they have in place. Preparedness and awareness of potential risks form the key foundations for the guidance, which seeks to ensure settings are best prepared to face an incident, should one arise.

The creation and release of this guidance comes after feedback received from childcare settings in response to a questionnaire concerning existing emergency lockdown procedures, which found 86% of those surveyed wished to receive updated guidance from Early Years Wales.

Incidents causing childcare settings to implement lockdown procedures fortunately remain rare. However, it is important that settings are prepared to face all natures of risks that may arise.

David Goodger, CEO of Early Years Wales, said:

"Emergency lockdown guidance is crucial in helping Early Years settings prepare for serious incidents they may face. Our document acts as a template for childcare settings to create or update their existing policies. It is free to download for any setting who wishes to access it"

Members have been sent the policy by email to download, if you have not received the email you can also download the policy by logging in to your membership account and visiting our shop page to download for free.

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