Early Childhood Play Learning and Care (ECPLC)

Early Years Wales is supporting the Welsh Government by sharing new information about Early Childhood Play Learning and Care (ECPLC).

The ECPLC resources help everyone who works with children aged between 0 and 5-years of age.

These resources include,

  • Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care Quality Framework for Wales;
  • Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care: Reflective Practice Toolkit;
  • Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care: Developmental Pathways 0-3.

The resources contain a wealth of information to support practitioners in their practice and aim to help children have the best start in life and the foundations for their future learning and development as they grow.

Page contents

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Wherever you are located, Early Years Wales aims to have an office near you. If you require our support, feel free to give us a call where we can discuss your query or arrange for one of our support staff to meet with you.

Our office hours are Monday – Friday (9am – 5pm)