Beat Flu | Curwch Ffliw

Dear Wales PPA Member, Flu can be serious.

Beat Flu

Last winter saw flu circulating in Wales at its highest levels for many years: 16,657 patients were diagnosed with influenza-like illness by GPs; 2,680 patients were confirmed with influenza (flu) in hospitals and 192 patients were confirmed with flu in intensive care units. There were outbreaks of flu in hospitals and care homes. Annual flu vaccination is the single best way to protect against catching and spreading flu. Despite this, last winter 49.8% of children aged 2 and 3 (age on 31 August 2018) missed out on getting a flu vaccine in Wales. Often children who get flu can feel very unwell and need a few days in bed, and for some it can cause serious illness. Complications include bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. Some children become so unwell they need to be admitted to hospital. Children are also ‘superspreaders’ of flu, like other infectious illnesses. Annual flu vaccination not only protects them from catching flu it also reduces the risk of them passing it on. Children aged two and three years old (age on 31 August 2018) and all primary school children are routinely offered a flu vaccine to help protect them from catching and spreading flu. The vaccine for children is a spray - so no needle. Details of the children’s programme can be found at Beat Flu is a public health campaign in Wales run by Public Health Wales, and aims to raise awareness of the benefits of annual flu vaccination. Please join us in helping raise awareness of the dangers of flu, and help make sure that parents of children aged 2 and 3 (age on 31 August 2018) know how serious flu could be for them, and that they can help protect themselves from flu with an annual vaccination. There are plenty of ways you can help raise awareness. This booklet provides some resources for you to use to help remind people of the dangers of flu and help encourage them to have the vaccine. We hope you find them useful. Thank you in advance for your help and support – we hope that together, we can make a difference and more people will make the right choice and get vaccinated to protect themselves from this potentially serious illness. Beat Flu Team.

How you can help support the Beat Flu campaign - Toolkit

Annwyl Aelod, Gall ffliw fod yn ddifrifol. Y gaeaf diwethaf roedd y lefelau ffliw yn cylchredeg yng Nghymru ar eu huchaf ers rhai blynyddoedd: cafodd 16,657 o gleifion ddiagnosis salwch tebyg i ffliw gan feddygon teulu; cadarnhawyd fod gan 2,680 o gleifion ffliw mewn ysbytai a chadarnhawyd fod gan 192 o gleifion ffliw mewn unedau gofal dwys. Cafwyd achosion o ffliw mewn ysbytai a chartrefi gofal. Brechiad ffliw blynyddol yw’r un ffordd orau o ddiogelu rhag cael a lledu ffliw. Er hynny, y gaeaf diwethaf collodd 49.8% o blant 2 a 3 oed (ar Awst 31ain 2018) y cyfle i gael brechlyn ffliw yng Nghymru. Yn aml, gall plant sy’n cael ffliw deimlo’n sâl iawn a gorfod treulio rhai dyddiau yn y gwely, ac i rai gall achosi cymhlethdodau difrifol. Mae’r cymhlethdodau’n cynnwys bronchitis, niwmonia a heintiau’r glust. Mae rhai plant yn mynd mor sâl fel eu bod yn gorfod cael eu derbyn i’r ysbyty. Mae plant hefyd yn ‘archwasgarwyr’ ffliw, fel afiechydon heintus eraill. Mae brechiad ffliw blynyddol nid yn unig yn eu diogelu rhag cael ffliw ond mae hefyd yn lleihau’r risg y byddant yn ei roi i eraill. Mae plant dwy a thair oed (eu hoed ar 31 Awst 2018) a phob plentyn mewn ysgolion cynradd yn cael cynnig brechlyn ffliw bob blwyddyn i helpu eu diogelu rhag cael a lledu ffliw. Mae’r brechlyn i blant yn chwistrell – sy’n golygu dim nodwydd. Ceir manylion am y rhaglen i blant yn Mae Curwch Ffliw yn ymgyrch iechyd cyhoeddus yng Nghymru a drefnir gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, ac mae’n ceisio codi ymwybyddiaeth o fanteision brechiad ffliw blynyddol. Gofynnir ichi ymuno â ni i godi ymwybyddiaeth o beryglon ffliw, a helpwch sicrhau bod rhieni plant 2 a 3 oed (ar Awst 31ain 2018) yn gwybod pa mor ddifrifol allai ffliw fod iddyn nhw, ac y gallant helpu diogelu eu hunain rhag ffliw trwy gael brechiad blynyddol. Mae digon o ffyrdd y gallwch helpu codi ymwybyddiaeth. Mae’r pecyn hwn yn cynnig rhai adnoddau ichi i’w defnyddio i helpu atgoffa pobl am beryglon ffliw a helpu eu hannog i gael y brechlyn. Gobeithiwn y byddant yn ddefnyddiol ichi. Diolch ichi ymlaen llaw am eich cymorth a’ch cefnogaeth – gobeithio y gallwn, gyda’n gilydd, wneud gwahaniaeth ac y bydd mwy o bobl yn gwneud y dewis iawn a chael y brechiad i ddiogelu eu hunain rhag y salwch hwn sy’n gallu bod yn ddifrifol. Tîm Curwch Ffliw

Sut allwch chi helpu i gefnogi ymgyrch Curwch Ffliw - Pecyn Cymorth

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